Exceptional Seafood Every Day

Our Seafood Department has everything you need to create an exceptionally healthy meal. Our friendly seafood experts can help you choose from whatever catch the fisherman lands daily. You’ll find hand-cut and trimmed fillets, or fresh – never frozen – steaks for the grill. If you prefer, we’ll do the preparation for you, like steamed lobsters or shucked oysters. Perfectly trimmed, ready-to-cook items might be just the bait necessary to lure the most discerning taste buds. We’re happy to help you choose from our high quality seafood and give you tips on how to prepare and cook it. And, our catering department can prepare a beautiful fish platter or tray for any occasion.

  • Yellowfin Tuna Steaks
  • Salmon Steaks
  • Arctic Char Fillets
  • Chilean Seabass Steaks
  • Whole Black Bass
  • Salmon Burgers

Hand-Picked Tips

Black bass has a mild, fresh, and slightly sweet and buttery flavor with a semi-firm, lean, and delicate texture. It’s a versatile fish that pairs well with many cooking methods and flavors – from lemongrass, cilantro, and ginger to olives, capers, sun-dried tomatoes, and roasted garlic.

Storage Tips for Fresh Seafood: 

  • Always keep fresh seafood in the coldest part of your refrigerator. 
  • Always leave fresh seafood in its original packaging.
  • Fresh whole fish should be cooked within 3 days.
  • Fresh fish fillets, steaks or portions should be cooked within 2 days.

Have Questions About Seafood?

If you need help with a seafood order, please call your local store. Please do not send an order to the email inbox below.

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