Entertaining made easy: We prepare. You celebrate!
McCaffrey’s Dietitian, Jill Kwasny, is a Licensed Nutritionist & Registered Dietitian. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics and received her master’s degree from Drexel University in Human Nutrition. She is also a Certified Diabetes Educator. As a retail dietitian at McCaffrey’s, Jill provides nutrition education to the community through in-store nutrition events and food safety certification instruction for the McCaffrey’s staff. She is available to provide community programs for children and adults. Contact Jill at nutritionist@mccaffreys.com or 215 750-7713.
A Pizza Party is calling – February 9th is Pizza Pie Day! Today it is the second most popular fast food in American, beat out only by the infamous hamburger. And, you can keep the fun going with National Chili Day on February 27th. Get creative and transform Mac and Cheese into Chili Mac; enjoy the ultimate baked potato by stuffing it with chili; elevate a run-of-the mill burger into a chili burger. And, definitely check out our portal for recipes featuring varieties of chili – from low-sodium and BBQ beef to white bean, butternut squash, and more!
Speaking of variety, sauces can enhance the taste and texture of any dish and have been a key part of global culinary traditions for centuries. Add flavor, complexity, and richness with sauces to enhance the taste of everything – from a zingy condiment to a simple sandwich! When it comes to taste, we often think of basic taste groups: sweet, sour, salty and bitter, but don’t overlook umami, officially named the “fifth taste” in the 1980’s. Umami means “pleasant savory taste” in Japanese. From Worcestershire sauce, ketchup and bouillon to consommé, meats, and cheeses, savory umami flavor is enjoyed all over the world, in all types of cuisines.
Stay safe and warm, and as always, enjoy all the foods the season has to offer.
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