Defeat the Heat with Watermelon

Watermelon is a classic when it come a refreshing, thirst-quenching summer treat. A two-cup serving of watermelon contains just 80 calories. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and B6. With a water content of 92%, watermelon provides fluids along with health promoting phytonutrients. Watermelon is versatile and can be served numerous ways. Cut watermelon in wedges, cubes, slices or in rounds. Get fancy and cut watermelon with cookie cutters like in this Star-Spangled Fruit Salad. When preparing watermelon, always rinse off the outside of the fruit with cool running water prior to cutting into the fruit. This is a must to prevent any germs or bacteria that may be present on the watermelon rind from getting transferred to the inside of the melon.

In case you are wondering, 1 single pound of watermelon yields just over 1 ½ cups of fruit. A typical 10-pound melon will provide about 15 cups of refreshment. Now grab your cutting board, a sharp knife, a large bowl or platter and get ready to enjoy your melon! 

10 ways to enjoy watermelon: 

  1. Make an appetizer: Watermelon Feta Bites are easy to prepare and always a hit. Simply skewer a cube of watermelon, a basil leaf, a piece of feta cheese and top off with another watermelon cube on a decorative toothpick. Make it look even more special by drizzling with a balsamic glaze prior to serving.
  2. Make a salsa: Try this sweet and spicy Watermelon Salsa that bursts with flavor from fresh mint, ginger and jalapeño peppers.
  3. Make a punch: Next time the kids reach for a sugary soda, try this easy Watermelon Punch instead. With a boost of Vitamins A and C, this high-fiber punch is made with club soda to add a little fizz. Or learn how to make a Watermelon Punch Bowl for your next summer party.
  4. Make a pizza:  YesWatermelon Pizza!  Use a slice of watermelon for a “crust” and create a summer fruit snack the whole family will love.
  5. Make a Watermelon Ice Pop: Celebrate summer with these fun and healthy ice treats. No ice cream maker needed – just a blender or food processor!
  6. Make a smoothie: Add watermelon cubes Greek yogurt, berries and banana for a delicious watermelon smoothie.
  7. Grill it:  Place watermelon wedges on a preheated grill and cook for about 2 minutes on each side, allowing the melon to caramelize. Enjoy as is or serve with this Bang-Bang Sauce for a Thai flair. Grilled watermelon pairs nicely with grilled chicken, fish or beef! 
  8. Include in a salad: Mix salad greens, cubed watermelon, sliced onion and feta cheese in a bowl. Toss lightly with extra virgin olive oil just before serving. 
  9. Make lollipops: Nobody will say no to this unique way to enjoy watermelon. Just cut watermelon into triangle shaped pieces and insert a popsicle stick into the rind and serve. 
  10. Make watermelon sherbet: cut 3 cups of seedless watermelon into cubes and freeze solid. Using a food processor and add ½ cup of vanilla yogurt. Process until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Serve immediately for a frozen yogurt/soft serve consistency. For a firmer consistency, freeze for 1-2 hours. This makes about 3 cups, or 6 -1/2 cup servings. 

Who knew watermelon was so versatile?  By the way, if find yourself with more melon than you can eat, watermelon can be frozen for later. Just cut the melon into cubes and freeze on a parchment covered baking sheet. Once frozen, transfer to a freezer bag. The flesh will soften after it has thawed, but the thawed fruit will be fine to use in smoothies, juices, sherbets or soups. 

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