Hit the Trail Mix

August 31st is National Trail Mix Day and honors the mix that was developed as a snack to be taken along on hikes. Trail mix, referred to as GORP by hikers, refers to “good ole’ raisins and peanuts” or “granola, oats, raisins and peanuts.” Some believe trail mix was first invented in 1968 by two California surfers who blended peanuts and raisins for an energy snack. But truth be told, trail mix has been eaten by Native Americans for thousands of years and originally included buffalo meat.

  • Traditional trail mix is an ideal snack food because it is very lightweight and easy to store. Between the carbohydrates in the dried fruits or granola and the sustained energy from the fats and protein in the nuts, the mix offers a nutritious and quick energy boost. Whether enjoying for an afternoon snack or hiking in the great outdoors, a handful of trail mix goes a long way.
  • Trail mix is no longer the just a combination of raisins and peanuts. Trail mixes can be sweet and savory, bold and spicy, or ethnically inspired. From kids waiting for the camp bus to millennials and baby boomers, trail mixes can provide a healthy and portable snack enjoyed by all.
  • Ingredients vary and so does the nutrition content. The mix is dense and can be caloric, so watch portion sizes.
  • Trail mixes are super easy to make. Make your own with items you have in your pantry. Experiment with ingredients until you have your “signature” trail mix recipe.
  • Combine dry cereals, dried fruits, wasabi peas, dried edamame, cashews, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, mini crackers, pretzels. The possibilities are endless. And, trail mix is a great way to “use up” ingredients that may otherwise get tossed.
  • This Cranberry Almond Trail Mix combines sweet and salty flavors from the fruit and pretzels for a perfect hiking pick-me-up or a quick beach snack.
  • Your family will go crazy for this Healthy Trail Mix that is made with breakfast cereal. Prepare a double batch and bag it up in advance for a grab and go snack or for a crunchy lunch side.
  • While not as portable, Chick Trail Mix is fun and heathy and can be enjoyed before heading outside. It includes pineapple and raw carrots and will surely put a smile on your face.
  • Celebrate National Trail Mix Day with a trail mix party. Set out different ingredients, plastic snack bags and measuring cups.

National Trail Mix Day is easy to fall for. Whether enjoying for an afternoon snack or hiking in the great outdoors, a handful of trail mix goes a long way. Make your own mix or pick up your favorite selection at McCaffrey’s Market.

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